
version: 0.1.0-indev05


usbtemp-server is a simple server application that reads the temperature from a DS18B20-compatible, 1-Wire-connected USB thermometer and exposes that functionality as a HTTP JSON API.

This software is specifically written to support the thermometers sold by, though — in theory — any DS18B20-compatible device should work. (this project is not sponsored by or is affiliated with

The software also serves an HTML page that continuously fetches the temperature from the server and displays it.
It's designed to be used an OBS Browser Source. (if you're a streamer, than this is what you're gonna be interested in)

Currently, the only operating systems which are supported are Linux-based systems and Microsoft Windows.
There are no plans to add support for other operating systems.



Download the program from here.

After downloading and extracting the archive, execute the file usbtemp-server.
The program takes no arguments.

$ ./usbtemp-server

Download the program from here.

After downloading and extracting the archive, execute the file usbtemp-server.exe by double clicking it from the file explorer.
The program has no graphical interface, so the console window will open.

Update Check

The first thing the program will do is check for updates.
There are three possible outcomes:

Device Selection

Next, the USB thermometer which is supposed to be used must be selected.
A thermometer device is identified by its port name.


The port name of a thermometer is the pathname of the thermometer's device file.
Since 1-Wire-connected devices are USB serial devices, it can be one of /dev/ttyUSB0/dev/ttyUSB255.
If no other USB serial devices are connected, it will be /dev/ttyUSB0. (Linux kernel documentation on USB serial devices)


The port name can be one of COM0COM9.
It will most likely be either COM3 or COM4. Check the Device Manager for the actual name.


A screenshot of the Windows 10 "Device Manager", showing that a USB thermometer, labeled "Prolific [CENSORED] USB Serial COM Port", is connected under the port name "COM3"

The program will try to detect any devices that are connected.
Again, there are three cases:

After a device is selected, the program will display both the serial number of the USB thermometer and the initially-read temperature in degree celsius.
Immediately afterwards, the HTTP server will start. It will listen on port 5000.

Serial number: serial number
Initial temperature: initial temperature°C

info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[14]
      Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Hosting environment: Production
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Content root path: pathname of the executable file's parent directory

To stop the server and the program itself, send an interrupt signal. (Ctrl + C)

Serial number: serial number
Initial temperature: initial temperature°C

info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[14]
      Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Hosting environment: Production
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Content root path: path of the .exe file's parent folder

To stop the server and the program itself, press Ctrl + C while the console window is focused.


(if you're a streamer and just want to use the HTML page as an OBS Browser Source, then you can skip this section)

An HTTP GET request on the path /temperature will read the temperature from the selected USB thermometer.
The response body JSON object has the following schema:

	"degreeCelsius": number

As is obvious from the property name, the value of the property degreeCelsius is a decimal number representing the temperature in degree celsius.
The decimal point precision is whatever the thermometer device returns.


The server provides a static HTML page that continuously fetches the temperature from the server and displays it in degree celsius.
The default interval between those updates is 5 seconds, though this can be configured.
This page is available at the path /overlay.html, which makes the full URL to access it either or http://localhost:5000/overlay.html.


The page's default behavior can be changed via the URL query parameters.
To read more about URLs and the query parameters check out the page "What is a URL?" on the MDN Web Docs.

As previously stated, the default interval between updates of the temperature is 5 seconds.
This interval can be configured via the query parameter updateInterval, which is in milliseconds.
Example: Using the URL would set the interval duration to 2500 milliseconds, or 2.5 seconds.
The minimum interval can be 500 milliseconds and the maximum can be 999 999 999 milliseconds. If the configured interval is less than or greater than these limits, then the value is "clamped" and the respective limit is used instead.

How many decimal digits are displayed can also be configured. By default, exactly one decimal digit is displayed, even if that digit is 0.
The query parameters to configure the amount of digits are minDecimalDigits (for the minimum amount of decimal digits) and maxDecimalDigits (for the maximum amount of digits). If the actually recorded temperature's decimal digits are less than the configured minimum, then the displayed temperature is padded out with zeros to fill that configured minimum. If the actual temperature's decimal digits are more than the configured maximum, then the displayed temperature's decimal digits are cut at that maximum.
Example: Using the URL would set the minimum decimal digits to 2 and the maximum digits to 4. (e.g.: 28.00°C, 28.1234°C, 28.24°C, …)
The limits of the digit amounts is 0 and 20. Like with the update interval, if either the configured minimum or maximum amounts are below or above these limits, they are clamped as well.

It is not possible to change the unit the temperature is displayed in.

Using the HTML Page in an OBS Browser Source

The HTML page is designed to be used in an OBS Browser Source.

Simply set the URL field to either or http://localhost:5000/overlay.html. Whichever you like more; both options are equivalent.

A screenshot of an OBS Browser Source Properties window displaying the HTML page

Virtual Thermometers

As the name suggests, virtual thermometers are "fake" thermometer devices that can be used in place of real, physical USB thermometers.
They were added for development purposes, but can be used for testing in case physical devices are not available for whatever reason.

To use a virtual thermometer, it must first be defined in a JSON file.


The pathname of the JSON file is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/usbtemp-server/virtual_devices.json.

As per the XDG Base Directory Specification, if the environment variable XDG_CONFIG_HOME is unset, empty or is a relative pathname, then it is seen as invalid and the default value of $HOME/.config is used instead.

If the environment variable HOME is not an absolute pathname, then the program will abort.


The path of the JSON file is %LocalAppData%\Usbtemp Server\Config\virtual_devices.json, which expanded should be C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Usbtemp Server\Config\virtual_devices.json

The file must be a JSON array of objects. Each object must have the properties portName and serialNumber, with the property enabled being optional.

The schema looks like this:

		"portName": string,
		"serialNumber": string,
		"enabled"?: boolean

The property names are pretty self-explanatory.

		"portName": "port name #1",
		"serialNumber": "serial number #1",
		"portName": "port name #2",
		"serialNumber": "serial number #2",
		"enabled": false
		"portName": "port name #3",
		"serialNumber": "serial number #3",
		"enabled": true

Using a virtual thermometer works exactly like using physical ones.
Virtual ones will also always be detected.